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Today's blog is a quick break from Earth Week as last night was our first Toastmasters meeting since Brian passed.

I was really nervous ahead of the meeting. I was worried stepping into the room knowing he would never be there again was going to be too much for me and I wouldn't be able to hold it together during the meeting. I'm the President, I'm supposed to lead. I was worried that I wouldn't say all of the things I wanted to, or that I would stumble too much and it wouldn't be the talk he deserved.

I got there early, prepared to take in whatever feelings were going to come, and set up the photo, Mets hat, and Mets hoodie I brought to mark where Brian regularly sat. I stepped in the room and it hit me, Brian will never stand in this room again. It is still unbelievable. I set up the items and sat in his chair. I wanted to see the room from his perspective.

As members arrived it was bittersweet, we hugged, we talked about Brian, about how we felt being there. Before I knew it, it was time to speak to the club. I got up and though my voice was breaking I spoke from the heart. Members were smiling, memories conjured, new members and guests smiled too, as if meeting Brian for the first time. There were tears, there were chuckles, Brian was there with us in a new way.

The remainder of the meeting was a mix of Brian stories and a speech about Brian as a mentor, as well as some regular Table Topics for those who did not have memories to share. It was 90 minutes of holding space for one another, for supporting, for laughs and tears, it was community.

Brian gave the biggest, warmest hugs, make sure the people you love know it, maybe even start by giving Brian hugs.

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Apr 20

Speaking from your heart is exactly the thing to do. The other people must have been just as nervous attending the meeting. What a great sense of community you guys have there. I'm sure Brian is grateful and proud to see you carrying on. Tamara


Apr 20

This is Alice from the Ultimate Blogging Challenge. What a gift Brian was to you. And what a gift you are in describing what he meant to you. He would have been so proud of everything that you accomplished as a public speaker and as a human being. And I think that you're amazing. Probably because public speaking scares the wits out of me!


Apr 20

Kimberly, it sounds as though it was a very nice tribute to what I understand was a very giving man. From what I know of you through your blogs and podcast there was never a doubt in mi mind that you would stay strong and do Brian proud.


Kebba Button
Kebba Button
Apr 20

Kimberly, I am so hugely sorry for the loss of your friend Brian! I hope he did not suffer. I can somewhat feel the shock you are feeling, as I lost a friend who ran a weekly dinner group I belonged to. David died suddenly in his sleep! He was only 46. He was handsome, funny, and a great leader. Now I run the dinner group in his honor. Please accept my condolences.


Apr 19

You are so very brave Kimberley, and I really admire our courage.

Your mention of going to the Toastmasters club reminds me that this is something I had put on my to-do list a while back - but somehow distractions came along and I forgot to make a point of going back to the meetings. I used to enjoy going to Toastmasters myself. This has been a good reminder, and you've inspired me to give it a go again. Will just need to schedule it into the diary to allocate the time.

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