“Little drops of water create the mighty ocean”
I heard someone say this today and it got me thinking about the small things we can do each day to start bringing veganism into our lives.
Here are four ideas to get you on your way to adding more vegan friendly practices into your life, I’m going to make it really, really easy at first. 😃
Raise your awareness about the items already in your house. Find an item in your pantry that includes animal products where you were surprised to see that. (Ex. Can of vegetable soup containing chicken stock or whey or casein in something you thought would be dairy free. By the way, as you look at labels regularly, you will be amazed by what you’ll find whey or casein in.)
Going grocery shopping? Pick up a plant milk to try this week.
Look at your self-care products (shampoo, body wash, makeup, deodorant…) does it say whether or not it’s been tested on animals? If not, find a cruelty-free and vegan substitute here and replace the brand you were using with a kinder alternative when you run out.
Send me your favorite animal-based recipe and I’ll send back a vegan version of it
Pick one you can do in the next 24 hours and post it in the comments below. Then come back here once you’ve completed the task and share your thoughts/how it went/what surprised you…etc. I can't wait to see what you'll do and read your thoughts on it!
Having a vegan daughter makes me aware. Great suggestions! Some I already do.
Love your suggestions... we are vegetarians and with my daughter having issues with regular milk, have mostly turned to plant based milk (except for some things)..
Kimberly, these are great ideas! Aside from foods, I am interested in vegan fabrics, such as "pleather", and how we can have comfort without animal products. Many don't know that hummus has a very high protein content. I put some on rice cakes every morning. A favorite dessert is: equal parts banana and avocado, blended very well. It turns into a light green pudding. Serve with a strawberry on top, and it's elegant as well as nutritious!
What great tips, I am going to look at my healthcare products and see what I am missing!