In the morning I was in the mood for a Just Egg scrambled sandwich, so I made just that (as promised, this month is about cooking at home, not every meal will be "healthy", some will fill other needs and that's okay.)
Here's some photos of the process. I have to say, this was fine, but I do actually prefer tofu scramble, the flavors are better and you can keep leftovers of tofu scramble. I found the last time I made Just Egg and put the leftovers in the fridge, it wound up crumbly and inedible. Here's a link to my favorite of my tofu scramble recipes.
We hit our favorite farm in the morning, how impressive is this tote bag. It felt like I was in a movie putting this bag on the counter. Did you ever notice how on TV and in the movies, any time someone is bring home groceries there's always some nice leafy greens or lovely loaf of bread sticking out of the top of the bag? In addition to the kale you can see I picked up, I also grabbed a head of cabbage, blueberries (New Jersey blueberries are SO good), bunches of herbs (parsley, mint, cilantro, and chives), shiitake and maitake mushrooms, radishes, red leaf and romaine lettuce, arugula, and lettuce mix. My plan is to have a leafy salad available, I'll sauté the kale and mushrooms, and shred the cabbage for a crunchy topping.

A few weeks ago when strawberries were super fresh, I topped them with a simple whipped coconut cream, when I say simple, I mean simple! I always have cans of coconut milk or cream upside down in my fridge (you never know when you might need it!) I scooped out the solid cream and whipped it with a hand mixer. I didn't add anything to it, no sugar, nothin', and it was amazing. So, I'm thinking I'll do that with the blueberries and garnish it with some chopped mint. I'll be sure to snap a photo, for now, here's the strawberries with the whipped cream.

I'm still trying to get organized so this blog isn't quite a here's what I ate all day, but I'm working on it! Things will smooth out as the month goes on. Thanks for letting me work out my process in real time with you!
I am beta-testing a 4 week go vegan program, details are coming on 7/4. If you'd like to learn more, send an email to didyoubringthehummus@gmail.com with the subject "I'm in!" and in the body of the email let me know which time zone you're in. I'll be sending out an email on 7/4 with details about the program, you can decide then if you'd like to participate.
Kimberly, yum yum! Thanks for the great ideas! I recently bought a bottle of Just Eggs to try, but I forgot and it went past its date. So for when I try again, thanks for the heads-up that the one dish got weird after cooking and refrigeration. Call me simple, but sometimes I like just a little dish of organic chick peas, a handful of little organic carrots, a rice cake with hummus, and a bunch of red cherries. Looking forward to all your food ideas!
I love a good tofu or a good egg scramble. Looking forward to seeing more recipes and vegan food ideas.
I used to love a tofu scramble. A little tumeric so that it looked like eggs and topped with fresh salsa.