Has an eye-doctor ever suggested you scale back your prescription? Dr. Elisa does and in this podcast episode she'll tell you why.
From her bio:
Dr. Elisa Beth Haransky-Beck has been a Holistic Eye doctor specializing in optometric
vision and movement therapy and natural vision improvement since 1987.
Elisa has practiced raw living plant-based foodism on and off since 2012 and the
Spiritual Nutrition lifestyle since 2015. One of Elisa’s volunteer passions is with Vegan
Spirituality-Southwest PA which she founded in early 2019. She teaches
EmbodyVision Yoga on Zoom to elders from around the world and is a Spiritual Nutrition
counselor with a Master’s degree in Spiritual Nutrition.
Dr. Elisa reminds us to "Blink, Breathe, and Be Present"
Blink - lubricate your eyes
Breathe - meditate
Be Present - ask yourself "where is the health?" If you listen, your body will tell you
Dr. Elisa leads us through a brief guided meditation, make sure you're not driving and if you are be sure to go back and listen once you're not.
To connect with Dr. Elisa
Visit her website: https://www.enliveningconsciousness.com/book
Her book Enlivening Consciousness: Deepening Your Journey Through Vision, Movement,
Nutrition, Nature, and Spirit Is available for purchase here.
Mentioned in this episode:
Take a listen and tell me in the comments below, what was your biggest takeaway? What are your eyes telling you?