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Eating Well is an Investment in your Future - New Podcast Episode

Can eating well translate to success in other areas of your life? Ania Lees sure thinks so and she has the information to back it up.

In today's episode, I am joined by Ania Lees of Healthy with Ania.

Excerpt from her bio (emphasis is mine):

Ania is a certified Plant Based Nutritionist and founder of HealthyWithAnia – a one stop solution for those wanting to adopt a plant based diet.

For the past 3 years through nutritional workshops, weight loss programs, and Kitchen Transformation programs Ania aims to spread the message that vegan food is not only healthy, but also tasty and easy to prepare. She has presented at a number of festivals including; London Plant Power Expo, Singapore Vegan festival, The Conscious festival, and Green and Healthy festival. She has recently co-authored a book: “My Voice - A collective Memoir by Women of Substance”.

By the end of this episode, there's a good chance you'll feel ready to tackle to a new way of living! How could your life change? Make sure you stay to the end to hear some tasty tips for homemade hummus!

Top tips from Ania in this episode:

  1. Keep it simple

  2. Cook at home

  3. Be willing to unlearn what you think you like

  4. Invest time and accept you might be uncomfortable

  5. When you find a brand you like, stick to it to reduce time in the grocery store and decision fatigue.

Need more Ania?! (The answer is a resounding yes!)

Follow her on Instagram and Facebook, join her Facebook group here

Oh, and that hummus recipe, here you go!


Where to listen to the Did you Bring the Hummus podcast:

Right here on my website

Or, your favorite podcast app (Apple, Spotify, Google...etc.) just type in Did You Bring the Hummus and click on subscribe!

If you love the podcast, why not join my Did You Bring the Hummus Podcast Fan Group on Facebook? It's free! You also get to meet other fans and have a direct connection with me!

There's still time to join my Jump into January with Veganuary program! Yes, we're already a week into the month but January has 5 Tuesdays this month which means there are still 4 calls left for you to attend! Don't wait, sign up now!


Did you listen? What did you think? Have questions? Post them in the comments below!

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Thank you for sharing this episode featuring Ania Lees of Healthy with Ania. I completely agree with her message that eating well can translate to success in other areas of our lives. As a certified Plant Based Nutritionist, Ania clearly knows what she's talking about when it comes to the benefits of a plant-based diet.

I love that she emphasizes the importance of cooking at home and being willing to unlearn what we think we like. These are key points that can help us make healthier choices and improve our overall well-being. I will definitely have to check out her book and look forward to trying out her homemade hummus recipe.

Thank you for the great tips, Kimberly!

Kimberly Winters
Kimberly Winters

Unlearning what I thought I liked was crucial for me. When I could let that go it was so much easier to try new things and actually like them! Being so attached to what I knew was really robbing me of the joy of many amazing foods!

Thank you for your thoughtful comment, Paul!



Great advice. I need to start eating from home more.

Kimberly Winters
Kimberly Winters

Me too, Ania really inspired me to get back into the kitchen!



Thanks for sharing! I'll be hoping over to your podcast soon! I just started mine and am so excited about it! Good luck in the Ultimate Blog Challenge!

Kimberly Winters
Kimberly Winters

Thanks so much, Jean! I hope you enjoy it!



Eating well is definitely important. We get so crazy busy that many times we end up grabbing junk. And then we feel like junk, so that’s no bueno.

I appreciate the likely nudge back to better health.


Kimberly Winters
Kimberly Winters

I am definitely guilty of grabbing junk when I’m busy and then feeling like junk. You’ve nailed it with that description! Hopefully some of Ania’s tips inspire you!

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