New Year:
Happy New Year!! Welcome to 2024! Did you set goals for the new year? I did, and they all revolve around that word above, expand.
New Episode:
You'll learn more about my word of the year if you check out my new podcast episode, "Happy 2024!" or read a little further down. I also talk about fur and animal rescue, fat vegans, and Veganuary (not in that order.) Use this link to find the episode right on your favorite podcast app (don't forget to subscribe while you're there!)
New blog challenge:
Yup, I'm at it again! I have twice completed an Ultimate Blog Challenge by posting 30 blogs in 30 days in April 2022 and 2023 and I've been chasing that feeling ever since. I'm also out to prove that April is not the only month I can write a bunch! I haven't quite settled on a theme for the month, of course there will be a blog around the new podcast episode each week but beyond that, I'm not sure. Maybe some recipes, some things I'm working on. I want structure and yet resist it SO often, why am I like this?!
New word:
In 2024, I am looking to expand the podcast, reach more listeners, keep interviewing incredible vegans, and inspire more and more people to think more intentionally about how they interact with their world.
I am expanding my business, I am embarking on an exciting training that will add a consulting piece to my business offerings, I'll share more over the next 3 months.
I am expanding my spiritual practice. I have written blogs about some of my practices, as I deepen my experience I hope to share that with you too.
I am expanding my personal health and wellness journey. I am moving my body more, finding a deeper respect for where I'm at now and where I want to go, what I'd like to be capable of and how I want to feel.
To my fellow returning UBCers - hello again! Always nice to see you! To the new UBCers, welcome! And to everyone else, thanks so much for stopping by!!
I'd love to hear about your plans for 2024, post them in the comments below!
Happy New Year! Congrats on doing the blog challenge in January. I like your word of the year for 2024. I'm still thinking about that for myself. I am not sure I will be able to settle on just one word. Might have to go with 2 or 3.
Great to see you again at UBC and happy new year, Kimberly! You sound full of energy and enthusiasm, which makes me convinced that you will reach your expansion goals :-)
Happy New Year - I love how one word can get you focused in so many ways - best wishes!
Happy new year and I totally love your word for 2024! One of my words for this year is Arise 🌻
Happy New Year! I'm a returning UBCer, but have not actually accomplished completing one. Things are a bit different this time around, and I'm hoping to actually complete this one.
So far, my year is uncertain, but I am intrigued about how your journey to the online world has progressed. I look forward to reading more!
Lokilani Raiyne