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What's Your Word?

Every year, I choose a word that I hope will guide me throughout the year. It speaks to something I hope to accomplish or a way I would like to live.

In 2021, my word was magic. Every single day, my goal was to seek a bit of magic. I didn't always remember to seek magic all 365 days but I did for most of them. This made gratitude much easier to tap into and opened my mind and heart to possibilities I hadn't been able to see before. I found a deeper connection to who I am and felt even more called to express that. I was presented with opportunities to use my voice and share me.

This year, my word is transform. In the calendar pages of my planner, I have written "How will you transform this month?" Daily, I think about and then do (for the most part) some small thing to bring forth the transformation I am seeking. In my business, it has pushed me to offer new and different services, services my clients love. In my life, it has me approaching relationships differently, living more authentically, and deepening important bonds.

How do you choose a word?

I listen. I allow the word to come to me, no need to rush it. I'll meditate here and there but mostly, I acknowledge that it's time to choose a new word and I just wait for it to come to me. Trust yourself, it always comes. Your word may surprise you, or, it may not make sense at first, but as you start to use the word to shape your days, things will come together.

It's April, not the start of the year, can I choose a word now?

You sure can. You can start this practice at any point. You don't have to start it on a calendar year, if a meaningful date is approaching, use that as your start date. Or even better, why not make some random day extra special, and when your word comes to you, let that be the start of your year?

Do you have a word of the year? Share it below. If you decide to start this practice, please be sure to come back and share your word!

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Apr 05, 2022

Love the word - Transform I have a few words for the year - my rolling word is 'Limitless' and Growth. The words usually come to me over time.


Apr 03, 2022

My 2022 word is presence. I had forgotten if until recently. Now I’m back on track with it. I’ve written it in places, collected quotes and mostly I like to keep presence in my awareness all the time.

thanks for an interesting read!


Julie JordanScott

Kimberly Winters
Kimberly Winters
Apr 04, 2022
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Great word, Julie! I'm glad you found your way back to it, that's an important point for all of us to remember too, even if we forget about it for a while, we can just pick back up where we left off!


Apr 03, 2022

Hey Kimberly, I usually choose a word for my year also. My word for 2022 is completion. This year, by the grace and power of God, I plan to finish the many incomplete projects I have.

I liked the question you ask yourself every day. That gave me the idea to ask myself at the beginning of each month, "What will I complete this month?" Then break it down into daily chunks.


Kimberly Winters
Kimberly Winters
Apr 04, 2022
Replying to

I love your word, Florence! I struggle with completion too 😃

Starting big and breaking it down, great suggestion for all of the readers. Don't let your goals overwhelm you, you can't do it all at once, so you've gotta break it down!

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